Sep 10, 2010


I am currently trying to avoid doing my work, so I have brought You (whomever you might be) a link to some music I've been pretty into lately. Review after the jump.

The great thing about Pomplamoose is it's the combination of Jack and Nataly that makes it really great. They both have musical backgrounds and can each play multiple instruments as well as sing. But generally Natalie's songs before Pomplamoose were relatively not very well produced. She had one layer, it was very raw with a lot of background noise. And although her songs had a lot of emotional depth to them they lacked in instrumental depth. Jack's songs were actually quite the reverse. He had interesting camera work, instrument backing and a very well rounded production value, but emotionally his songs were often quite monotone.

Together as Pomplamoose they not only have great chemistry on camera, but they also manage to combine their powers to defeat EVIL!!!! ...wait a sec that's not what I was going to say. I meant to say that combined they have Nataly's flavour, to create an emotional investment, creating tension with her voice, touching on tones of sadness, anger, irritation but primarily ending up still sounding hopeful and happy. While at the same time having Jacks dynamic camera work and production value. Both musically and visually, together they are more interesting than apart. Also their covers are inspired, and their original music is amazing.

Go enjoy their VideoSongs on  youtube.

P.S.(This was me trying to avoid work by doing groundwork for other work, yaaay work!)

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