May 27, 2010

Major Spoilers

The very first website to be awarded with a RoM is Major Spoilers "We know you love comics. We do to." Why? Because they make me laugh about things I have very little knowledge about, and their craziness keeps me coming back for more. Also every once in awhile they review a graphic novel (or to everyone else comic book) I'm interested in or lead me to a new series to devour. The trio of Matthew, Stephen and Rodrigo creates a very balanced listening experience while still being entertaining and relevant to the media. And darn if they don't make me listen through their whole show just to hear that catchy theme song at the end. Reviews, articles, podcasts, polls and many things nerdy. Guilty pleasure, maybe, but if you are at all interested in comics and people who are funny check this out.
Major Spoilers Comic Book Site

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